In their exhibition Christophe Berdaguer & Marie Péjus will present two projects: Mi(e)sconception, a new work, and The Epileptic Forest, a video shot during an ephemeral installation that the artists had conceived a few years bak in the Pastré forest in Marseille. For this installation, the artists used a device contaning about thirty high-power strobe lights which frequencies could potentially provoking photosensitive epileptic fits. If, for the original installation, the strobe lights where spread out over a forest space large enough for strollers to get lost in, the projection of the video in the gallery manages to reproduce the experience where the retinal impressions, subjected to a luminous stream, lead to a heavy change in the perception of space and bodies’ behaviors.
With Mi(e)sconception, Berdaguer and Péjus touch on the equivocal history of the legendary Farnsworth House or “Glass House” designed by Mies Van Der Rohe in a forest on the ouskirts of Chicago and completed in 1950. Celebrated as one of the masterpieces of post- war modernist architecture, the house was severely criticised by its commissioner, Edith Fasnsworth, for whom the architecture of glass and steel conceived by Mies was sadly non- fonctionnal, close to uninhabitability. In Mi(e)sconception, Berdaguer & Péjus recall the polemics surronding the “Glass House” and propose, through a film and a model, an innovative architectural solution to the blind spots of Mies’ original design, as an endogenic architecture which is inserted and developed inside the house.
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