Perspectives provisoires: Elsa Werth | SOLO SHOW
Several responses are to be found in these documents and must be put into perspective.
From the perspective of equality and human rights, there are problems for those who are trying to access social and health services.
We have examined the question in this broad perspective.
The debate that Europe is engaged in around the aging demographic has added to this perspective.
Everyone that has come with a new, more balanced perspective on what is important.
The proposed Interim Population Policy aims to bring the fertility rate to up to 4.3 percent by 2020.
The crisis must also be seen through the perspective of time.
These clocks are shown in perspective, on a flat surface, one in front of the other.
The Ninth Plan announced a 20-year Agriculture Perspective Plan (APP) for to reduce the absolute poverty rate to 10%.
The exploration of the infinitely small structures opens up perspectives particularly attractive to homeopathic medicine.
Claude Closky, 2017