Michael Snow

«My work is about making shapes»


Michael Snow's work offers an examination of the question of representation and of the conventions relative to the perception of artworks, through the use of various media. His aesthetic process is ruled by the fact of experimenting the specificities and inherent limitations of each technique, be it video, music, painting, photography, film, digital imagery, installation, or performance.


Major figure of experimental cinema and well-known musician, Michael Snow developed during his entire career a polymorphous and transversal practice, including painting, sculpture, video, photography, drawing, writing, holography andmusic. Michael Snow approaches this various experimentations through several theorical writings, published in various catalogs, reviews, or remained unreported (about this subject, see Des écrits. 1958-2001, a collection of texts which are commented by the artist and published by the Centre George Pompidou in 2002).